From Creativity Spark, I want to share my experience and some tips about my preparation for the Microsoft PL-900 Power Platform Fundamentals exam.
Before starting with my tips for the PL-900 exam preparation, I want to comment for those who do not much about it, that after passing the exam a Microsoft certification is achieved and this accredits us as professionals who master the subject and are updated.
Thus, the certification obtained by taking the PL-900 exam refers to aspects of the Power Platform at a fundamental or basic level (which in my opinion is not so basic in reality).
The candidate, in the words of Microsoft: «Aims to improve productivity by recognizing the capabilities of Microsoft Power Platform, automate basic business processes with Power Automate, perform basic data analysis with Power BI, act more effectively by creating simple Power Apps experiences, and create powerful chatbots using Power Virtual Agents.»
The recognition is obtained once the exam is passed and can be shown on the different profiles of social networks, also in the CV, or wherever we need it.
This is mine 🙂
PL-900 exam preparation
It is necessary to obtain a score of 700 out of 1000 to pass the exam.
And the skills evaluated according to the official website of Microsoft are the following:
- Describe the business value of Microsoft Power Platform (20-25%)
- Identify the core components of Microsoft Power Platform (10-15%)
- Demonstrate Power BI capabilities (20-25%)
- Demonstrate Power Apps capabilities (25–30%)
- Demonstrate Power Automate capabilities (10-15%)
- Show Power Virtual Agents capabilities (1-5%)
The exam can be done both face-to-face or online on this website, I leave the links for both options. In my case I chose to take the exam online from home, and, yes there are some requirements for how the desk has to be and elements that you can have in it (basically the desk have to be empty of papers, phone, pens,…).
Prior to taking the exam you have to perform a test of the equipment to see that the exam can be carried out in the technical aspects of this.
PL-900 Exam Preparation Resources
On the official website of Microsoft Learn we have at our disposal free resources to get trained. I studied using this material to prepare for the exam and I recommend it.
It is called Learning Path, I leave here the titles of the modules that comprise this path or itinerary: Learning path PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals.
- Get started with Microsoft Power Platform
- Introduction to Dataverse
- Get started with Power Apps
- How to create a canvas app
- How to create a model-driven app
- Get started with Power Automate
- How to create an automated solution
- Get started with Power BI
- Create a dashboard
- Get started with Power Virtual Agents
Also, there is the possibility to demo the exam experience through the “exam sandbox” provided by Microsoft.
Exam sandbox permits you to experiment the interface you will use during the exam.
There you will be able to know the look of the exam before taking it, how to answer each type of question, learnt about the possibility of marking question for review,…
This is the link to access «exam sandbox».
More things: I also bought this official book: EXAM REF PL-900 MICROSOFT POWER PLATFORM FUNDAMENTALS, it is written in English and is a perfect complement to reinforce knowledge.
Another resource to learn is LinkedIn Learning where I am an Excel and other contents instructor, (for example I have courses about Power FX), I studied to prepare for my certification. Find below some links to LinkedIn Learning courses:
- Discover the capabilities of Microsoft Power Apps, Get started with Microsoft Power Platform and Create a with Microsoft Power Virtual Agents from trainer Miguel Llorca.
- Learn Power BI from Ana Bisbé.
- Essential Power FX created by me.
- Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900) Cert Prep: Power Apps
- Getting Started with Power BI
- Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: The Basics
Another very interesting resource provided by Microsoft is the sample questions, with the correct answers at the end.
I recommend not cheating and looking at the solution. It is better to try to answer the questions first, and check the solutions afterwards.
PL-900: Sample questions about Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals.
There are different channels on YouTube, both in Spanish and English that explain questions and their answers.
I can’t recommend enough the Cepa Code channel, from Nacho Cepa, specifically these two videos: PL-900 Fundamentals Questions in Spanish and EXAM Questions Power Platform FUNDAMENTALS PL900.
There are many other resources out there. This list contains the ones I have used during my exam preparation, and I have found it very useful to successfully pass it on the first attempt.
Some other resources for PL-900 exam preparation
Below you will find some other resources. I encourage you to share your experience, advice and resources on this topic. There may be people like you who will benefit immensely from them.
My posts about Power Platform.
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